At Lavande, our curated team of experienced practitioners provide a wide variety of energetic healing and bodywork. Our safe, sacred space is designed to assist you in diving deep and connecting with the mind, body and soul at the deepest level.

Energy medicine, also known as vibrational healing, is an ancient practice that is being reawakened to by the collective consciousness. Doctors and scientists are continually conducting research and recognizing how effective energy medicine is in bringing the whole human soul, mind, body and spirit into balance.

Prana Purpose

55 min | $180

Healing Session with Krystia Rae

Prana is the vital energy of the Universe that flows through all life forms through the breath. Prana Therapy is an ancient healing technique that involves channeling life force energy (Prana). During a Prana Therapy session, a trained practitioner uses a specific technique to connect the client to Prana energy, then the practitioner facilitates a transfer of this energy into the clients energy field and body. This is a very powerful energy transmission. Most clients will feel the energy moving through them while they are guided into a deeply relaxed state where healing on all levels can occur. Recommended treatments of once per week for the first two months while old patterns and habits are released, then once every other week or once a month to maintain your new healthy habits, patterns and frequencies is most effective.


60 min | $250

with Gabriella Alziari

Reiki is a hands on healing therapy where life force is transferred through the hands of a trained practitioner into the client's energy field and body. This is a very gentle holistic therapy that can offer profound healing. The energy of reiki guides the client into a deeply relaxed state where healing on all levels can occur. Reiki can be beneficial for healing on physical, emotional and energetic levels as reiki works to address blockages and imbalances in the body and energetic field that can contribute to discomfort or dis-ease physically manifesting in the body. Reiki also works within the quantum field, providing healing to both our conscious and subconscious awareness. Through this modality of energy work we are able to address anything in your present life that needs healing, and we are also able to work with healing past experiences of this lifetime and other lifetimes. As you arrive for your session you will have space to speak with your healer about your intentions and anything you are currently moving through in your healing journey. After your session you will have time to integrate your experience and reflect with your healer on anything that came up during your session.


60 MIN $190 | 90 MIN $250

Morgan’s intuitively guided healing sessions are intentionally created containers of bliss and loving energy dedicated to you. The healing sessions will help you release heavy or dense energy in your body and energy, and facilitate deep peace and regulation. Reiki is a natural and powerful energy healing modality that facilitates balance and relaxation, and promotes healing on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level. Morgan always sets an intention with with you prior to the session, and her sessions are intuitively guided to wherever along the body she feels called. People often note they are able to relax so deeply that they “go to other realms” during sessions. It is not uncommon to have beautiful emotional and physical releases in sessions, or to feel “hands” on other areas of your body, as Morgan works closely with the angelic realm.

90 minute sessions with Morgan include a guided meditation to start, a full reiki session, and a personalized hand activation experience and individualized self-healing meditation practice for you to take into your daily life.

Personal Entheobreath with Kava Ceremony + Integration

90 min | $188

5 pack | $800

First session | 20% off

Group session (3-6 people) | $88 per person

with Rachelle Campbell

Entheobreath is a transformative healing technique that uses conscious, connected breathing to allow you to travel deep into the subconscious mind which contains all of the stored information of everything you have ever experienced. It holds the "programs" that control the way you think, what you believe, the way you feel, act, react, goal and dreams and whether we can achieve them or not. Entheobreath can clear any limiting beliefs and trauma stored there. It also raises your vibration to a place where dis-ease is not in resonance. Offering a more empowered and free life experience. Moving forward with more authenticity, clarity and love!

We will share in a heart opening kava ceremony before our experience and kava will also be offered after to ground us into the integration process. Kava is an ancient and sacred plant that's grown on the pacific islands. It has been used ceremonially, socially and medicinally for thousands of years. Its main use is for easing stress, anxiety and depression. It's non addictive and has no side effects other than a feeling of connection and presence. It pairs beautifully with all healing modalities, especially breathwork. You will leave this session feeling more calm, connected and clear. 

* Please dress in comfortable clothing

(For a group session, each person will need to sign up separately. Please reach out to schedule!)